Public Investments

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is an investment vehicle comprised of a pool of funds from many investors that buys stocks, bonds and other securities. When you purchase a mutual fund, you get exposure to all the investments in that fund. Mutual funds make it easy to build a diversified portfolio and get professional management, so you don’t have to research, buy, and track every security in the fund.

With thousands of mutual funds to invest in on the market, it can be difficult to find the right mutual funds for your portfolio. We make investing in mutual funds easier. We have the tools to research, compare and trade mutual funds all in one place.

Click here to checkout FINRA's Fund Analyzer.

Separately Managed Accounts

A separately managed account is a portfolio of individual securities managed on your behalf by a professional asset management firm. You own the individual securities, which can provide the ownership, control, and transparency you deserve. We’ll work with you to find the managed account that fits your needs.

Unlock an elite investment option
When you invest in a separately managed account through Managed Account Select, you’ll enjoy these advantages:

  • Choice
    • You'll have access to an expansive range of investment strategies and the power to choose one focused strategy or to diversify across several asset categories.
  • Quality
    • Your account will be managed by the respected, carefully vetted third-party professional asset manager you choose.
  • Flexibility
    • Direct ownership of underlying securities lets you make adjustments—tax-loss harvesting or security or industry restrictions—based on your full financial picture.
  • Transparency
    • You'll have a clear view of the individual securities you own, plus ready access to account details and trade information.
  • Value
    • You can access the expertise of high-caliber asset managers and specialized strategies with lower account minimums and at a competitive price, helping to keep more of your money working for you.

Available Options

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Tython Capital
Concentrated Qualitative Value

We manage concentrated long only portfolios of small cap common stocks, typically numbering between 8 and 12 positions, weighted heavily in our highest-conviction ideas.

We generally seek opportunities to buy high-quality franchises that can compound capital for many years at high rates of return. Ideal long holdings have well-incentivized management teams, healthy balance sheets, and strong cash flow generation. These companies may be underpriced due to a period of change misunderstood by other market participants, or the valuation may reflect unreasonably pessimistic expectations.

To learn more, click here (You are now leaving the Valkyrie Equities website and entering the Tython Capital website).

Money Markets

An investment whose objective is to earn interest for shareholders while maintaining a net asset value (NAV) of $1 per share. A money market fund’s portfolio is comprised of short-term (less than one year) securities representing high-quality, liquid debt and monetary instruments.

We offer a wide selection of options to manage your cash and cash investments, including a range of money market funds, and other convenient solutions.

Fixed Annuities

A Fixed Annuity is one under which the insurer, rather than the contract owner, bears the risk of loss of principal. The insurer guarantees the contract owner that the principal will not be lost, regardless of the insurer’s investment performance; and that the interest at least equal to a stated minimum rate will be credited to the contract.

If you're looking for safety from market volatility, a fixed deferred annuity could be right for you.